S. Korean Bond Yields on May. 27, 2024

Today (%) Previous Session(%) Change (BP)

1-year TB 3.417 3.424 -0.7

2-year TB 3.448 3.456 -0.8

3-year TB 3.413 3.423 -1.0

10-year TB 3.498 3.515 -1.7

2-year MSB 3.422 3.435 -1.3

3-year CB (AA-) 3.851 3.861 -1.0

91-day CD 3.610 3.600 +1.0


(EDITORIAL from Korea Times on May 27)

South Korea vowed to address and raise awareness of North Korea’s cybercriminal activities in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to educate other U.N. member countries about the disruptive impacts on their economies, as well as international …