(4th LD) S. Korea, Japan, China reaffirm commitment to Korean Peninsula peace amid N.K. satellite plan

SEOUL, Leaders of South Korea, Japan and China reaffirmed their commitment to promote peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula during their summit in Seoul on Monday, hours after the North announced a satellite launch plan.

President Yoon Suk Yeol, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese Premier Li Qiang reached the agreement after the North notified Japan of its plan to launch a space rocket carrying a military spy satellite sometime before June 4.

“We reaffirmed that maintaining peace, stability and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia serves our common interest and is our common responsibility,” a joint declaration of the trilateral summit said.

“We reiterated positions on regional peace and stability, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the abduction issue, respectively. We agree to continue to make positive efforts for the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue,” it added.

During a joint press conference, Yoon and Kishida emphasized the importanc
e of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. However, Li did not address denuclearization directly, instead urging relevant parties to exercise restraint to prevent further escalation.

This contrasts with the 2019 trilateral summit, where China also expressed support for efforts toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

During the session, Yoon and Kishida denounced the North’s satellite launch plan as a violation of the U.N. Security Council resolutions that ban its use of ballistic missile technology. Pyongyang said it will send three more satellites into space this year, following its first launch in November.

“The international community must respond firmly,” Yoon said during a joint press briefing at the former presidential of Cheong Wa Dae.

Kishida echoed his concerns, urging Pyongyang to cease its activities.

“If it proceeds, it will be a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. We strongly urge North Korea to cease this activity,” Kishida said through a translator.

China’s Li cal
led on all related countries to exercise restraint without a direct mention of North Korea.

“China has consistently worked to promote peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and is pushing for a political resolution to the peninsula issue. Relevant parties should exercise restraint and prevent the situation from worsening and becoming more complicated,” Li said during the briefing.

Li, China’s No. 2 official, also called for joint efforts to foster cooperation through “mutual respect and trust.”

“Korea, Japan and China should properly handle sensitive issues and conflicts, consider each other’s core interests and significant concerns, and practice genuine multilateralism to jointly safeguard stability in the Northeast Asian region,” Li said.

The trilateral session discussed ways to promote cooperation in six specific areas — economy and trade, sustainable development, health issues, science and technology, disaster and safety management, and people-to-people exchanges.

The leaders also agreed to ins
titutionalize the trilateral cooperation by holding the trilateral summit and ministerial meetings on a regular basis.

Monday’s session was the first three-way meeting since December 2019 after it was suspended for a prolonged period due to COVID-19 and historical disputes among the Asian neighbors.

After the meeting, they attended a trilateral business summit at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, engaging with business leaders of the three nations.

During the summit, the leaders pledged to work together to promote cooperation in trade and investment, as well as supply chain resilience and export controls.

“We will continue to work to ensure a global level playing field to foster a free, open, fair, nondiscriminatory, transparent, inclusive, and predictable trade and investment environment,” the joint declaration said.

They agreed to resume talks on a three-way free trade agreement (FTA), which were suspended in November 2019 following 16 rounds of official negotiations after they began in 2012.

The leaders committed to ensure the “transparent, smooth and effective” implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. It is an FTA among 15 Asia-Pacific countries, involving the three nations.

China is the largest trading partner of South Korea and Japan, and together, they make up about 25 percent of the global gross domestic product and 20 percent of global trade.

Despite differing alignments and stances on various issues, the three nations agreed to coordinate on regional and international matters from a broader perspective.

“As important countries responsible for peace, stability and prosperity in Asia, we renew our determination to engage in close communication not only within the trilateral framework but also in the multilateral frameworks,” it said.

This year marks a rare instance of all three Northeast Asian neighbors serving together on the U.N. Security Council, with China as a permanent member and South Korea and Japan as nonpermanent members.

Source: Yonhap News Agency