Committee on Financial Reform of Health Insurance System Launches

The health ministry has rolled up its sleeves to carry out financial reforms of South Korea’s health insurance system.

The ministry has established a special committee that will oversee the rollout of reforms, holding the first meeting on Tuesday to discuss ways to cut unnecessary insurance spending and bolster essential medical services for those in need.

The move is largely seen as an overhaul of the “Moon Jae-in Care” pursued during the previous administration which expanded medical services covered by the national health insurance. The ministry pointed out that the expansion has led to an excessive surge in the usage of certain medical services, such as the MRI scans or lower abdominal ultrasounds.

The ministry will also tighten the screw on the illegal use of insurance and improper use of the health insurance system for dependent foreigners.

The reform committee is expected to announce the details in November.

Source: KBS World Radio