HD Hyundai partners with Shell to jointly develop liquefied hydrogen carrier

HD Hyundai Co., a holding company of South Korea’s shipbuilding-to-energy conglomerate HD Hyundai Group, said Friday it has joined hands with oil giant Shell in jointly developing technologies for liquefied hydrogen carriers.

Under a recently signed joint development agreement in Seongnam, South Korea, HD Hyundai’s two shipbuilding affiliates, HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering Co. and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., will spearhead the project.

HD Korea Shipbuilding will focus on developing core technologies, including large liquefied hydrogen tanks and hydrogen cargo operating systems, while HD Hyundai Heavy Industries will be responsible for developing hydrogen engines and designing the liquefied hydrogen carriers.

Shell will share its expertise in carrier operations and technology development and will conduct feasibility studies on liquefied hydrogen carrier designs.

The two companies plan to develop a large-scale liquefied hydrogen carrier for commercialization in 2030 to take advantage
of the upcoming market for liquefied hydrogen maritime transportation.

Source: Yonhap News Agency