MELAKA, Just six months ago, Sakina Mohd Yusuff, 30, her husband, and their two daughters were barely scraping by, but after joining the People’s Income Initiative (IPR) programme by the Ministry of Economy, their lives have been transformed.

Sakina, who resides in Pokok Mangga, explained that she solely depended on her husband, Supri Yusuf, 40, who earned between RM1,000 and RM1,500 per month as a labourer.

“Sometimes, I had to borrow money from family members just to pay the RM400 monthly rent, but after being selected for IPR, we can now have a better life,” she told Bernama here today.

Sakina started selling cakes, sandwiches, and canned drinks through a vending machine provided by the Ministry of Economy at the Melaka Hospital in November last year.

The mother of two young children mentioned that she achieves an average monthly sales of RM10,000 and generates a net profit of between RM2,000 to RM3,000 per month.

“I attended the Food Handler Course at a health clinic first because it’s one of the mai
n requirements to participate in the IPR,” she said.

Sakina added that she would replenish the vending machine with food prepared at home and canned drinks at least three times a day.

“Alhamdulillah, with the opportunity provided by the government, I can change our lives for the better. My husband no longer works as a labourer, he helps me with this business full-time,” she said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency