Parliamentary Plenary Session Ends after 7 Hours of Filibuster

The main opposition-led filibuster to prevent the passage of controversial prosecution reform bills automatically ended at midnight on Wednesday after the majority ruling party passed a motion to end the extraordinary parliamentary plenary session.

People Power Party(PPP) floor leader Kweon Seong-dong kicked off the filibuster at around 5:10 p.m., followed by Rep. Kim Jong-min from the ruling Democratic Party(DP), PPP lawmaker Kim Woong and DP legislator An Min-suk.

PPP lawmakers said the bills, which would further limit the prosecution’s investigative power, aim to block criminal investigations of public officials, while the DP underscored the need to regulate the prosecution.

The National Assembly is set to hold a plenary session at 2 p.m. on Saturday, when one of the reform bills will immediately be put to a vote. According to Assembly rules, when a parliamentary session comes to a close during a filibuster, the debate is considered to have ended and the bill is automatically put to a vote at the next session.

The DP plans to convene a parliamentary plenary session again next week to pass the second bill on criminal procedure law.

Source: KBS World Radio