Police summon ex-PPP chief for questioning over sexual bribery allegations

SEOUL– Police summoned former ruling People Power Party (PPP) leader Lee Jun-seok Thursday for questioning over allegations he received sexual services as bribery from a businessman about 10 years ago.

Lee has been accused of receiving sexual services paid for by Kim Sung-jin, CEO of the tech company I-kaist, in 2013 and attempting to cover it up by paying off a whistle-blower.

Kim’s side claimed Lee had promised to set up a meeting with then President Park Geun-hye. Lee was considered close to Park because she had handpicked him for a seat on the party’s collective leadership two years earlier.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police notified Lee of its summons earlier in the day and is currently in discussion with him to decide the timing of the planned questioning, officials said.

Lee was ousted from power in July after the PPP’s ethics committee suspended his party membership for six months over the allegations.

Source: Yonhap News Agency