Top N. Korean official handling emergency disasters leaves for Russia to attend exhibition

The top North Korean official in charge of emergency disaster affairs has left for Russia to attend an exhibition on security means in Moscow, state media reported Thursday, amid deepening bilateral cooperation in various sectors.

Nam Chol-gwang, chairman of the State Emergency Disaster Committee, left Pyongyang the previous day to take part in General Security 2024, the Korean Central News Agency said in a one-sentence dispatch. It did not disclose details of Nam’s itinerary.

Nam plans to meet with Aleksandr Kurenkov, Russia’s minister of civil defense and disaster relief, according to a Telegram post by Russia’s embassy in North Korea.

Nam’s delegation is also expected to inspect an exhibition featuring a display of Western countries’ weapons that were captured during Moscow’s war in Ukraine, it added.

North Korea and Russia have been strengthening military ties and expanding the scope of cooperation following the summit between the North’s leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sept
ember in Russia’s Far East.

Source: Yonhap News Agency