Unification minister discusses N.K. threats, bilateral ties with Slovak FM

South Korea’s point man on North Korea discussed North Korea’s continued provocations Monday with the Slovak foreign minister and called for joint efforts to tackle such threats.

Unification Minister Kim Yung-ho met with Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar for talks on their bilateral ties and regional issues, according to the unification ministry.

Mentioning North Korea and Russia’s “extensive military cooperation” that has deepened following their rare summit in September, Kim also said he hopes South Korea and Slovakia can work together on the matter.

The minister suggested that Slovakia can play a “crucial and unique” role on the Korean Peninsula, noting the country’s successful transition from a socialist system to a capitalist economy.

“You have experienced both socialist and capitalist economies, and have made a successful transition from one system to another,” Kim said. “That will give an important lesson for the North Koreans as well as the South Koreans.”

In response, Blanar highlighted the
importance of sustaining peace on the Korean Peninsula, saying he looks forward to cooperating with the unification ministry on the “noble” goal of ensuring nuclear disarmament, prosperity and peace on the peninsula.

Blanar echoed Kim’s concerns over North Korea and Russia’s military cooperation.

“The Slovak Republic government is concerned about their military cooperation and weapons transfers between the DPRK and Russia,” he said, referring to the North by the acronym of its official name. “These undermine the peace in Europe as well as on the Korean Peninsula.”

Emphasizing that South Korea is Slovakia’s “strategic partner” in Asia, Blanar said his government hopes to escalate bilateral ties to include areas of politics and security, and invite the South Korean foreign minister, prime minister or the president for that purpose.

Source: Yonhap News Agency